Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Qualitative Business Analysis - 1276 Words
Northern Caribbean University Department of Professional and Continuing Education Mandeville Campus MGMT 485: Quantitative Business Analysis Quiz I MULTIPLE CHOICE. Total marks 30 Instruction: Write the most appropriate response on line provided 1) Administrators at a university will charge students $150 to attend a seminar. It costs $3000 to reserve a room, hire an instructor, and bring in the equipment. Assume it costs $25 per student for the administrators to provide the course materials. How many students would have to register for the seminar for the university to break even? 1) _______ A) 30 B) 18 C) 24 D) 16 E) 20 2) Linear mathematical†¦show more content†¦17) ______ A) fixed costs B) number of customers C) variable costs D) total costs E) number of employees 18) A university is planning a seminar. It costs $3000 to reserve a room, hire an instructor, and bring in the equipment. Assume it costs $25 per student for the administrators to provide the course materials. If we know that 20 people will attend, what price should be charged per person to break even? 18) ______ A) 150 B) 175 C) 200 D) 120 E) 100 19) A technique that assumes certainty in its solution is referred to as 19) ______ A) probabilistic B) parametric C) deterministic D) indeterminate 20) The purpose of break-even analysis is to determine the numberShow MoreRelatedQualitative Analysis Of Comparative Market Data For Your Business Essay1519 Words  | 7 Pages25 km 25 km – 30 km 30 km – 35 km 35 km – 40 km Quantitative analysis techniques Results Result mean in terms of market trends and developments and impact on the business mean 20 km They live very close to the cafà © and they have a lot of choices and options to choose from the other cafà © and restaurant, they can be easily attracted to the other business once they find the offered products can meet their demands. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Similarities Between Northern and Southern American Colonies Free Essays
The Northern and Southern colonies had many similarities between the years of 1607 to 1763, but the idea that they were more similar than different is vastly incorrect. The economy in the Southern colonies was based off of planting and slave labor, which was very common, while land in the Northern colonies, for the most part, was not fertile enough to support planting. Another difference between the North and South was that government and the church had very close ties in the North, compared to a representative self-government in the South, separate from any church. We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities Between Northern and Southern American Colonies or any similar topic only for you Order Now People and towns were too far apart for churches to flourish in the South, whereas in the North, religion was very important and often taken to extremes. In the Southern colonies, tobacco was a huge crop, and the economy of several colonies was based almost entirely off of it. The history of tobacco is relatively shortâ€â€by 1612, John Rolfe had perfected methods of growing tobacco that eliminated most of the bitterness of the leaf. After the first boatload of tobacco was sent to Europe, the European people quickly developed a high demand for it, one which American colonists were more than happy to fulfill. Because of the sudden incredibly high demand for tobacco, colonists were overwhelmed, and planted tobacco anywhere they could, including the ground next to the street and between graves. The tobacco-growing frenzy was so huge that colonists in the South had to import some of their foodstuffs at first, for they were not able to grow it themselves with all their land being used for tobacco. Because the crop of tobacco robs the soil of its nutrients so quickly, the demand for land exponentially increased, which led to an increased need for workers, preferably cheap, which is when wealthy planters turned to slavery. In comparison, the land in the Northern colonies was mostly glaciated soil, with stones in the dirt forced to the surface after every winter. Because of the rocky soil, staple crops did not grow well and so black slavery was not profitable in the North. Colonists who realized they would not be able to make much of a living off of the land became good at other things. Shipbuilding, fishing, and commerce were among the main professions in Northern colonies, due to the excessive fishing opportunities. Governing styles is another major difference between the Northern and Southern colonies. The first self-controlled government was established in Virginia, one of the Southern colonies, in 1619, the House of Burgesses. This was somewhat similar to the British parliament, met once a year in Jamestown, and was made up of twenty-two people. These twenty-two people were the governor of the colony, six prominent citizens hand-selected by the governor, and fifteen burgesses, or representatives, from varied locales, usually the larger plantations in the area. Overall, the people controlled the government in the South. This fact could be disputed about Northern government. In the Northern colonies, the government was more inclusive than it had been in the past in that all freemen could vote. Freemen were adult male landowners who belonged to the Puritan congregation. All male property owners could be involved in town government, regardless of whether or not they were Puritan. They would participate in town meetings, where matters large and small were discussed, debated, and solved by the people of the town themselves. According to the doctrine of the covenant followed by Northern colonists, the role of government was to enforce God’s laws, which applied to both believers and non-believers. Even with the government being so religious, clergymen were not allowed to hold an official political office, which led to the idea of the separation of church and state. The separation of towns was more of an issue in the South than the separation of church and state, in terms of religion. Because of the vast amounts of land needed by plantation owners to grow tobacco and other staple crops, towns and people were spread out, which slowed urban development significantly and also made the establishment of churches and schools difficult and expensive. Nevertheless, there was still religion in the Southern coloniesâ€â€the vast majority of colonists were Anglican. In the Northern colonies, there were many churches, of several religious groups. Puritans and Quakers were the dominant religious groups in the North, though Quakers would not abide by laws set by the Puritans, so they were fined, flogged, and banished. In one extreme case, four Quakers, one a woman, who defied expulsion from their colony, were hanged. An extremist Puritan by the name of Anne Hutchinson claimed that a holy life was no true sign of salvation, and that the truly saved were going to heaven no matter what they did in their life, so they would not need to obey neither God’s nor man’s law. At the time, this was considered antinomianism and extreme heresy, so Anne was banished from her colony and forced to move. In conclusion, the Northern and Southern colonies did have many things in common, but the thought that they were more similar than different from the year 1607 to 1763 is an immense misconception. In the Northern colonies, it was not possible to grow staple crops because of the rocky soil, so settlers turned to other ways to make a profit than agriculture and slavery, while in the South, slavery and tobacco farming were the sole source of income for several colonies. The government in Northern colonies had close ties to the Puritan church, while in Southern colonies the style of government leaned towards self-representative. Churches were not common in Southern colonies, while they were of utmost importance, and often taken to extremes in Northern colonies. How to cite Similarities Between Northern and Southern American Colonies, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Primarily the Contender Objective Was To Construct Multi-Faceted
Question: How to Primarily the contender objective is to construct multi-faceted? Answer: Introducation: In the presented case land expansion business was carried on by the assesse. Primarily the contender objective was to construct multi-faceted domiciliary and upkeep facility and later altered to all-embracing domiciliary community. Implementation of this done in addition to with other folks congruently increasing contiguous land. This has been sold by the contender as accommodation off proposal. These selling of housing plans and projects took place very greatly but unexpectedly during the period from May to July he decided not to continue with business of land development and make the contractors aware of this situation and about the expiration of their agreement and deals. He also informed clienteles and the purchasers about the termination of the deals. After this decision he decided to sell the land to the single purchaser , so he decided to enter into a contract with the Australians associated units. This was happened in the year 2004. The arrangement was branded as a indenture for homes and lands and entitle Aurora as a merchant and the entities which were Australians associated units as a purchaser of client. The agreement was entered between the parties with a distinct condition in text that the supply will GST free supply of an up-and-coming entity. Preceding to the finishing point the pursuant to the agreement of sale the candidate was have need of to take on assured works which were mention annexure c works, and to stream growth material as indicated in the convention. There works includes: The annihilation and elimination of prevailing building works together with the auctions administrative centre The building and accomplishment of definite fortifications, together with sponging and stodgy the land (Australian Government, 2017). The amputation of substructure amenities such as gutter, aquatic, electrical and smoke. The contender filed its tax return in July 2004 showing the source that the deal of land was GST free as the supply of a profitable concern. This means that the financial statement of the business for July 2004 was not inclusive of GST for approximately of $ 2,151,852 related to the supply. The individuals of officer rank issued an estimation subsequently. Section 38-325 of the GST Act conveys that the stock of a popular unit or any organisation which will be still accessible is GST free if the stock is made up of observation. Section 38-325 includes fund of continuing entity is a basis beneath a predetermination beneath which :- a) merchant contributes to the receiver all the possessions that are desirable for the continuousness of the predetermination of the organisation b) the worker will convey on or will transfer on the inventiveness at the close of the stock . Profitable concern describes the store which has encountered a compulsion or circumstance customary in section 38-325 of the act of GST. The contender ended its moneymaking movement announcement for the levy period of July 2004 tax period for defoliating to take cautious upkeep by doing the dispute that the transaction is GST free by means of the source of the successful entity. As a result of that the business report of July 2004 was not made with the inclusion of GST or we can GST was excluded from the proclamation. Afterwards officials made an assessment (Australian Government, 2017) The candidate was appraised as a result and appropriate fine was imposed for July 2004 tariff age for weakening to receipts thoughtful upkeep. The indecorous result or the fine sum was amplified by an improve amount. The fine assessed for that levy stage was subsequently abridged by the worthy amount to give result to the administrators conclusion to agree, in part, the candidate opposition to the price estimate. The individuals of officer rank contended that the source day or when the supply was made was the payment date under an agreement rather than the date of an agreement. The official also contended that as per the purchases of an arrangement and the propositions and the symptoms which stayed and made in an arrangement the suitable inventiveness determined some period previous to the reimbursement day and for that reason Aurora was not involved in the commercial activities or was not in continuation on pertinent ingenuity at the diurnal of stock. This divergences which were made by the bureaucrats were in high need of examination and assessment as the candidate also believed that the diurnal of stock was the indenture date. Breach of the following sections: There was a breach section 38-325 because it was claimed that the supply will be GST free sale of a successful entity. This claim is not mollified for the receiver is only pleased with properties that the receiver considers crucial to facilitate it to originate its novelty. According to section 255 court of law apprehended that the day of foundation for the fortitudes of subsection 38-325(2) was 2 July 2004 that is the compensation date. There were two dates that is the arrangement and stock date and the late source epoch was measured exclusively steadfast with the philological of subsection 38-325 as it derives a pre arrangement under which a source date arises. And that until the source date the contractor endures to continue the activity of organisation. Contender move regarding supply of land was the stock for the tenacities of section 9-10 of the ACT of GST and a dutiable stock for the perseverance of section 9-5 of the act of GST. GST free was not there and it wasnt GST free supply. The Aspirant did not take rational upkeep in finalising its occupational goings-on announcements. Even though the aspirant count on the guidance from its bookkeepers the claimant nosedived to take rational upkeep to reveal to the bookkeeper substantial substances regarding its pulling out from the land expansion scheme. He was unsuccessful to attain an assistance from the bookkeeper concentrating to as explicitly which lectured the interrogation whether the successful concern endowment of the act of GST applied to everything the deeds substantial to that enquiry, so as to permit a cautious devising of the occupational movement declaration for the applicable levy epoch. There was a breach section 38-325 because it was claimed that the supply will be GST free sale of a successful entity. This claim is not mollified for the receiver is only pleased with properties that the receiver considers crucial to facilitate it to originate its novelty. The applicant was also broken the pre requisites regarding the declaration of the financial statements. The court of law institute that administrator has the authority to permit a protest in fragment which has the outcome changing or dipping the fine duty. Later on the substance was despatched to official as the administrator has formerly acknowledged that the claimant possibly will be dependent on the fringe system endowment if the court of law initiate that the supply was not GST free. The official also contended that as per the purchases of an arrangement and the propositions and the symptoms which stayed and made in an arrangement the suitable inventiveness determined some period previous to the reimbursement day and for that reason Aurora was not involved in the commercial activities or was not in continuation on pertinent ingenuity at the diurnal of stock. This divergences which were made by the bureaucrats were in high need of examination and assessment as the candidate also believed that the diurnal of stock was the indenture date. Analysis of court or tribunal verdict. The court of law has been given the following decisions on subsequent matters which were certain: The issue whether and if the deal of housing expansion location was GST free stock of a successful concern underneath the section 38-325 of the GST Act. Issue that are associated to the supply candidate whether unsuccessful to take rational upkeep in creating or verbalizing its commercial commotion declaration for the applicable levy of tax period. Issue that is associated with the fine calculation for deteriorating to take rational upkeep, whether the commissioner or officer of high rank has the authority to diverge or lessen the fine judged subsequent the subject of fine valuation essentially be set apart in its wholeness. The court of law institute that administrator has the authority to permit a protest in fragment which has the outcome changing or dipping the fine duty. Later on the substance was despatched to official as the administrator has formerly acknowledged that the claimant possibly will be dependent on the fringe system endowment if the court of law initiate that the supply was not GST free. The court of law establish that it is essential to recognise the organisation or a scheme organisation contained by the commercial organisation to know whether the organisation will continue on its actions while waiting for the diurnal of stock and to know whether everything which are essential for the endures procedure devises existed complete. Act says that section 32-385 is not contented if the beneficiary is provided by means of solitary the belongings that the beneficiary contemplates essential to allow it to agree to its organisation (Australian Government, 2017) It was apprehended by the court of law that the income tax payer was in the commercial activity of the development of property, it decided that the expansion ought to have come to a finale when the person who pays tax unequivocally decided to trade in the land. Even though the court of law recognised the buyer required to keep in mind some of the sorts that would have categorised the person who pays tax expansion in the court of law view, a correct assessment of the edifice agreement of deal determined that it does not effected the sale of enterprise as prearranged by the Act which is called GST act. conclusion It was held that the supply was free from GST successful firm auctions of land by property makers , moderately than upkeep and thoughtfulness obligation must be reserved to safeguard that such a transaction observes with section 38-325 of the GST act in advance a merchant duty spender continue to depend on upon this indenture of GST commitments It was apprehended by the court of law that the income tax payer was in the commercial activity of the development of property, it decided that the expansion ought to have come to a finale when the person who pays tax unequivocally decided to trade in the land. Even though the court of law recognised the buyer required to keep in mind some of the sorts that would have categorised the person who pays tax expansion in the court of law view, a correct assessment of the edifice agreement of deal determined that it does not effected the sale of enterprise as prearranged by the Act which is called GST act. Hence these were the analytical review of the courts decision. In presented case the real-world striving was that the instance has demonstrated is in in what way to drawn from a keg the arrangement for GST free prominence that is the prerequisite of section 38-325 of act of GST. It has been concluded that it is better not to classify the enterprise position but to recognise the purchases under the predetermined arrangement of the stock of a successful organisation. For Aurora the interrogation of side-line system is to be lectured as well as distinct issue of disadvantages. Alternatively hypothesises can be equestrian as to oddity of the organisation that was accompanied up pending the date of stock (Barrister, 2017) In the presented case ATO held that GST free supply is the amount of entirely the belongings that remain obligatory for the continuous manoeuvre of an organisation in together with those belongings that are exploited in the acknowledged officialdom. It was held that the supply was free from GST successful firm auctions of land by property makers, moderately than upkeep and thoughtfulness obligation must be reserved to safeguard that such a transaction observes with section 38-325 of the GST act in advance a merchant duty spender continue to depend on upon this indenture of GST commitments (Federal Register, 2017) References: Australian Government(2017) Aurora Developments [online] Available at: https://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/view.htm?Docid=LIT/ICD/QUD251of2008/00001 [Accessed 9th April. 2017] Barrister , C (2017) All about GST [online] Available at: https://chrissievers.com/gst-case-summaries-2/ [Accessed 9th April. 2017] Federal Register (2017) Income Tax assessment [online] Available at: https:// law.cite.org/chi-bin/LawCite?cit=[2011]%20FCA%20232[Accessed 9th April. 2017] Australian government (2017) Aurora Developments [online] Available at: https://www.ato.gov.au/law/view/document?src=hspit=99991231235958arc=falsestart=141pageSize=10total=952num=3docid=JUD%2F2011ATC20-250%2F00001dc=falsetm=and-basic-weeks%20v%20FC%20of%20T [Accessed 9th April. 2017] Australian Government(2017) Aurora Developments [online] Available at: https://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/view.htm?Docid=LIT/ICD/QUD251of2008/00001 [Accessed 9th April. 2017
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Isaacson free essay sample
Most people would define a good teacher as someone who makes students excel academically and do well on tests. I believe a great teacher is someone who has many dimensions, a teacher who makes his or her students want to go to class and hear what they have to say. Mr. Isaacson was that teacher for me. He taught Language Arts and Literature. He had a demeanor about him, unlike any teacher I have ever had. He was tall with a long gray goatee and he had a bald head that would glisten in the lights from the room when he would lecture. I could never tell what he was thinking because of his grave and focused face. Mr. Isaacson was full of sarcasm, advice about the world and how it should be lived, and how a simple novel can mean much more than its underlying summary. Prior to my attendance in his class, he also taught my three sisters. We will write a custom essay sample on Isaacson or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Each of my sisters told me how much they loved Mr. Isaacson and what a great teacher he was. The first day I walked into his class during my junior year, I was confused about what the big deal was. From my first impression, he seemed dull and monotone. I could never guess what he was thinking because of his stone cold glare when sitting at his desk, but when he opened his mouth and starting talking about literature, I could see him come alive. He had a soothing and expressive voice. Everything he would say sounded intriguing and interesting. A new book was assigned every month; then he would question all students on content. Most people did not read the books, especially senior year, and he was aware of it. This is when he would make his witty comments and sarcastic statements when questioning students about the book. His most famous line was, â€Å"B.S to success.†Even though he knew no one read the book, he would still let us answer his questions even if it was completely wrong. When someone was done answering a question incorrectly, he would say, â€Å"Man, that would be really cool if it did happen.†Then he would laugh at his joke even if it was not funny. Mr. Isaaccson was able to make any situation, book, or problem be an obstacle a person had to face and to learn from it to better one’s self. Mr. Isaacson was able to take a single lecture and make it relate to our own lives, beliefs, and problems. Over the years I learned not only was he an author and a lawyer, but somehow he accidently became a Rabbi for the U.S. Navy and was not even Jewish. He was able to make something so bizarre like that and somehow convey it back to literature or other life experiences. One of my favorite things I learned from him was the concept of existentialism. I remembered being so fascinated with the ideas and beliefs of the philosophy because of the way he would describe and correlate it to real life. Mr. Isaacson’s class to me was more than an English class, but more of a life lesson. When it comes to books, Mr. Isaacson knew everything there was to know about them. Even though it was his job to know it did not seem like it. Literature was his passion and hobby. He even wrote his own novel based on a romance. Every student was surprised to find out about his book because he did not seem like the romantic type. Books like The Great Gatsby, My Name is Asher Lev, and 1984 were among his favorites and soon became mine as well. Every book we read, he somehow was able to associate it to today’s culture and expectations. I learned never to conform to society’s standards and dare to be different all because of Henry David Thoreau’s book Walden. The way he explained the book in a deeper meaning made all students think of how we could relate it to our own lives. Books to him were not just words on paper, but something he felt he had to share his love and appreciation for to younger generations, so we too could admire the message and the characters just as much has he did. This is exactly what he did for many of my classmates and me. Throughout the years Mr. Isaacson became more of a role model than a teacher. I could go up to him for anything and not be judged. He passed away on September 29, 2016. Though his time on earth was cut short, he left an enormous legacy. Mr. Isaacson impacted so many students to become better writers, readers, and persons. It is very hard to encounter teachers like him; this is why I can appreciate everything he taught me and all the other students who had the honor of having him as their teacher. Mr. Isaacson will forever and always be that one teacher who changed me as a student and person.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Federalist No.10 essays
Federalist No.10 essays In Federalist No. 10, Madison has written about how factions have caused negative influence on the public administration. Factions being a problem and problems must have causes; therefore there are causes to factions. When the causes of a problem have been defined, then you will be able to develop some methods to remove the problem. Better yet, if the methods to remove the problem seem to be impracticable, a solution needs to be developed to prevent any further recurrence of factions. The principal cause of a faction can be summed up as, united and activated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, on to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community. The other causes of factions are shown in the nature of man. We see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. The principal cause of a faction has been defined; now some methods to remove the problem of factions can be developed. First method is to destroy the liberty, which is essential to its existence. Another method is by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interest. These two methods are unwise and impracticable because as long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed. Since the methods of removal will not work, a solution will be formed to cure the problem of factions. A large republic will be the best solution to factions. In a large Republic it will be more difficult for unworthy candidates to practice with success the vicious arts, by which elections are too often carried because they will be chosen by a greater number of citizens than in smaller republic. In the end, Madison has not written what has not been true; factions have caused negative influence on the public administration. The causes of factions are visible...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Pitch an Essay
How to Pitch an Essay How to Pitch an Essay How to Pitch an Essay By Mark Nichol Do you have something in writing you’d like to share with the world? Not a complete book manuscript, perhaps, but musings of a concise nature? Perhaps you like to explain things, or share your opinion, or tell a story or write humorous pieces. There’s plenty of advice online about pitching, or seeking an invitation, to submit articles and interviews I wrote a post about the topic a couple of years ago but getting essays published requires a slightly different approach. Most important is the form of the submission. Generally, writers pitch articles and interviews as pieces they are prepared to write; you summarize a story and your approach, name sources and resources you plan to consult, and await a go-ahead to write. But submitting essays is more akin to sending an entire fiction manuscript, rather than an outline and a sample chapter or two of a nonfiction work, to a literary agent: Write first, then query. (Articles and interviews are sometimes written like this on spec but in this case it’s best to have a buyer before you build your product.) We all have favorite print or online publications we’d love to see our byline in, but adopt a realistic approach or a combination of approaches to get started: Self-Publish Launch your own blog, and build a portfolio of posts on a single theme or topic. (If you have more than one interest, separate your blog into distinct areas by subject matter, or even create a different website for each category.) Use social networking and link sharing to build an audience. Once you’ve amassed a body of writing, even if you have no paid publishing credits, you’ll be able to point editors to an impressive collection of your writings. Enter Contests Innumerable organizations sponsor writing contests, many of them with more scintillating topics than the â€Å"What freedom means to me†–type scholarship-essay contests you may remember from high school. Search online, targeting a few that cater to your writing niche, because the accumulated entry fees of multiple submissions can be hazardous to your financial health. Some contests offer publication as a prize; though the magazine or journal is likely to be obscure, you will be able to call yourself a published writer. Go Specific Just as when you enter contests, invest your time and energy wisely when seeking to have your work published. Print and online journals and magazines, and anthologies, exist for just about any topic you can imagine. Consult the latest edition of Writer’s Market, certainly, but conduct online research to find niche publications that seek writers just like you. How to Pitch an Essay Once you’ve identified one or more ideal print or online publications, sell your initial essay. Obviously, the recipients of your pitch will read your overture before perusing the essay itself, so catch their attention with a brief introduction that will impress them. Not only must your grammar, usage, and punctuation be impeccable, but your pitch must demonstrate that anything else you include is worth reading. If you’re a storyteller, tell a story. If you’re submitting an opinion piece, dazzle the editor with your observations. If you’re a humor writer, make ’em laugh. Be confident but not arrogant, and be authentic: Sell who you are and what you have to offer, not what you would like to be or wish you could do. The pitch itself should be concise: Greet the recipient, briefly describe the essay you’ve attached to your message, explain (with some heartfelt flattery) why it’s appropriate for the publication, inform the recipient that you will provide other material on request and that you’re happy to revise the submission based on feedback, thank the recipient, and get out of the way. If you do have a blog, provide the link so that the person can look at other writing samples. Send your sample to as many publications as you can identify don’t wait for responses. If you don’t hear back, follow up every week or two with a simple reminder until you get a definitive response. Once someone has published your work, or after a few months, select your new favorite piece and submit again to publications that rejected you. And, as much at it may seem difficult, shrug off the rejections. There are millions of writers out there, and at least a few of them are going to be better than you (or their material is better suited for particular publications). As I alluded in this post, focus on getting yeses, not dwelling on nos. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?50 Idioms About Fruits and VegetablesHow to Style Legislative Terms
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Religious Perspectives in Nation Building Essay
Religious Perspectives in Nation Building - Essay Example Benjamin Franklin is considered as one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He is credited as foundational to the roots of American values and character, which combines the practical and democratic Puritan values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment (Isaacson p. 491). Thomas Jefferson is the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and became the third president of the United States in 1801. He is considered as one of the most influential founding fathers with his espousing the ideals of republicanism (Wiki). William Bradford was already committed to the radical idea of the separatist movement since the age of 17 (Kelso). "The one side [the Reformers] laboured to have ye right worship of God & discipline of Christ established in ye church, according to ye simplicitie of ye gospell, without the mixture of mens inventions, and to have & to be ruled by ye laws of Gods word, dispensed in those offices, & by those officers of Pastors, Teachers, & Elders, &c. according to ye Scripturs. The other partie [the Church of England], though under many colours & pretences, endevored to have ye episcopall dignitie (affter ye popish maner) with their large power & jurisdiction still retained; with all those courts, cannons, & ceremonies, togeather with all such livings, revenues, & subordinate officers, with other such means as formerly upheld their antichristian greatnes, and enabled them with lordly & tyranous power to persecute ye poore servants of God" (Bradford). John Carver, a deacon of the separa tist congregation and one of the prime organizers of the Mayflower voyage was very influential in Bradford's religious beliefs. Bradford also succeeded Carver as the governor of the Plymouth colony when the latter died (Kelso). Benjamin Franklin was an important conservative figure in the American restoration movement, which sought to renew the entire Christian church based on the New Testament and disregarding the creeds of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or Reformed Protestantism, which allegedly divided Christianity (Wiki). "I never doubted, for instance, the existence of the Deity; that he made the world, and govern'd it by his Providence; that the most acceptable service of God was the doing good to man; that our souls are immortal; and that all crime will be punished, and virtue rewarded, either here or hereafter. These I esteem'd the essentials of every religion; and, being to be found in all the religions we had in our country, I respected them all, tho' with different degrees of respect, as I found them more or less mix'd with other articles, which, without any tendency to inspire, promote, or confirm morality, serv'd principally to divide us, and make us unfriendly to one another" (Franklin). Samuel Roge rs, noted Restoration movement preacher and elder moved to the community of the Franklin family and became influential in Benjamin Franklin's religious perspectives. Franklin, himself began preaching after Rogers' arrival, as well as began publishing religious publications such as the Reformer, Christian Age and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
English Essay Formal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
English Formal - Essay Example A utopian fiction describes Herland as a strange land that is hidden very high in the mountain, and which only has women as its inhabitants. According to the inhabitants, Herland has existed with no men now for 2,000 years following a series of wars, internal strife and natural disasters, which together combined to leave just a small population which was exclusively made up of women (Gilman 2). Left with the burden of fending for themselves under severe conditions, the women did organize their society along the most possible coherent lines, coming to note that their survival would never be possible without collaboration. After some time, there was a miraculous occurrence where a young girl became pregnant (Gilman 2). All her descendants were female and came to inherit her exceptional ability of solo reproduction, thereby helping to maintain the society making up the present residents of Herland. With time, the women of Herland embraced a peaceful, organized, hugely efficient society such that such factors like competition, crime, and disruptive behavior are nonexistent (Gilman 2). As would be expected in a mothers’ society, childbearing is the utmost tribute of the women’s lives, and also their most important duty. In essence, Herland is a large family, and an organic society practicing a common good (Gilman 2). For that reason, property is communally owned, the system of authority is not that strict and is solely based on knowledge and insight, and the welfare and education of the children are given the first preference. Theodore Isaac Rubin notes that our culture today is of the view that competition is helpful in bringing the best out of people, but then he disputes this notion (Rubin 1). According to him, competition is intimately connected to jealousy, envy, and mistrust, and hinders self-evolution and progress (Rubin 1). It
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Death of a Salesman Idealism and Truth Essay Example for Free
Death of a Salesman Idealism and Truth Essay ?Idealism describes the belief or pursuit of a perfect vision often based upon unrealistic principles. This pursuit is often contrasted and opposed by truth. The truth and reality in an individual’s life is what enables this person to remain grounded and down to earth. An individual must set themselves high expectations in order to be their best, but they must also acknowledge the fact that everything they desire is not achievable. The imbalance of idealism and truth in an individual’s life can have calamitous effects. It is significant in an individual’s life because it can lead to the deterioration of an individual’s sanity, destruction of family relationships and ultimately death. This is exemplified in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, by Willy Loman. Willy spends his whole life pursuing the American Dream. This pursuit leaves him in debt and lacking less than a sliver of sanity. This man lacks the capacity to face the truth; the reality of his situation. The negative effect that his dream has on his family and life is simply overlooked and ignored. As Willy’s life swerves out of control, he tumbles deeper into the abyss of his idealism, to a point of no return. The inability for an individual to achieve a single-minded dream can lead to the deterioration of their sanity. In Willy’s case, he has spent his whole life pursuing the American Dream; a dream that is impossible to achieve. His inability to cope with the failure of his life at first simply causes him to feel lost, but eventually causes him to go insane. Ironically enough this man, so set on having the perfect life, has an affair with a secretary of one of the buyer. This is simply a financial transaction of gifts for sex and access to the buyers. Willy does this to escape the truth of his life, and in the process completely contradicts his goals. In an attempt to protect himself from the reality of his life, he goes into self-protection mode. His own mind morphs his memories to achieve and establish his desires. Willy’s constant flashbacks lay the groundwork to support that he is becoming senile and that his idealistic tendencies caused him to lose the ability to recognize reality from illusion. Willy is a very insecure individual, and he tries to make himself look better by lying to himself and his family. In his world of delusion, Willy is a hugely successful man. He disguises his profound anxiety and self-doubt with extreme arrogance. Biff nails it on the head when he points out the fact that Willy â€Å"had all the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong. †The overpowering pursuit of idealism over truth can lead an individual to lack the ability to cope with reality. Willy has a lot of potential, but he also has a whopping case of self-deception paired with misguided life goals. He has based his whole life on supporting others and does not know how to live any other way. The effect of lacking a manly figure during his youthful development is substantial effect in how Willy raises his own sons. In Willy’s pursuit of the American Dream, he clearly instills in his sons that being well-liked is more important than character. By emphasizing likability as being the most desirable quality for success he places a higher premium on outward projection over inner strength of character. He simply passes on these unrealistic qualities to his sons. â€Å"I never in my life told him anything but decent things. †Willy’s memories reveal that the values with which he raised his sons has made Biff comes to consider himself exceptional and entitled to whatever he wants regardless of how hard he works or whether it harms others. Biff’s perfect illusion is shattered when he discovers that his father is having an affair and he feels hateful and confused about his father’s actions. His excessive pursuit of idealism shatters Willy’s relationship with his son; this is something that he does not have the ability to repair. Willy’s pursuit of idealism in his life was extremely unrealistic and eventually prevented him from having the ability to see the truth in life. He spent his whole life trying to provide for his family. He wanted the life of a salesman. To be well-liked and have a massive funeral when he dies. The reality is that he spent his whole life pursuing unrealistic dreams based on negative personal values. Willy himself points out that he’s â€Å"worth more dead than alive. †It’s quite tragic that Willy believes he has to kill himself to feel that he is worth something to his family. The reality of the situation is that his death is in vain. The Loman’s only had one more payment left on the house, and don’t actually need the money anymore. But in his blinded illusion, Willy cannot see through or cope with his failure. This causes him to believe that he is worth nothing more alive and kills himself to enable his family to collect his life insurance money. The unevenness of idealism and truth in an individual’s life can lead to the loss of sanity, deterioration of relationships and even death. By having a good balanced of idealism and truth, there is a greater potential that an individual will discover contentment in life. While pursuing an ideal, an individual may be confronted with truth that must be recognized, and if ignored will have cataclysmic effect. Idealism provides a good source of motivation to strive for excellence and truth reminds us that we are all flawed. Together, with an appropriate balance of both, you have the tools to live a life happy.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Tragic Heroines: Medea and Clytemnestra Essay -- Aristotle, Greek trage
Aristotle (384-322 B.C. believed that tragedy, as an imitation or mimesis of life as it could be, held more importance than history, which simply records the past. He considered that performance of a tragedy provided the perfect cathartic experience for an audience, leaving them spiritually purified and inspired. He felt spectators seeing and experiencing great hardship befall the play’s hero or heroine would achieve this emotional state and benefit from it. The tragic hero, according to Aristotle, must be essentially good and be of high or noble birth. The misfortune that precedes their downfall must evoke compassion and pity. The tragic hero must experience a peripeteia. Two of the most famous Greek tragic heroes (heroines) were Medea and Clytemnestra. They share characteristics Aristotle deemed essential for the heroic character in a tragedy. They are both of high rank. Medea is a princess and a sorceress, and Clytemnestra was the de facto ruler of Argos in Agamemnon’s absence. Their tales initially evoked sympathy, but hamartia and hubris were instrumental in each woman's downfall. Both suffer significant peripety as victims of their overly passionate natures. Clytemnestra is obsessed by the desire for vengeance over the death of her daughter at the hands of her husband, Agamemnon. While Clytemnestra's passion is for vengeance, Medea's is her unreasonable love for Jason, which turns into seething hatred. Clytemnestra’s peripeteia begins the moment Agamemnon sacrifices their daughter, Iphigenia. Heartbroken and grieving, Clytemnestra schemes, plotting vengeance for her daughter’s death. She obsessively plans her husband’s murder for so many years that it becomes a fait accompli. Clytemnestra greets his return with fa... ...s got to be done, -- do it without flinching. Whatever I do, my life will be unhappy. I’ll armor my heart with callousness, and take the sword in my hand...try to forget that they are my children and that I love them. I only need forget for a short time. And then I can remember all my life.†(Medea, pg. 343, 344). Revenge is at the core of the Greek tragedies Agamemnon, the first play in the trilogy Oresteia (Aeschylus (525 - 455 BC), and Medea (Euripides (431 – 480 B.C.). The protagonists in each play are women who carry out horrifying acts of revenge on their husbands. Both characters – Clytemnestra and Medea – are at once heroines, villainesses and victims. Works Cited Corrigan, Robert W. Classical Tragedy, Greek and Roman: 8 Plays in Authoritative Modern Translations Accompanied by Critical Essays. New York, NY: Applause Theatre Book, 1990. Print.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Explication of “The Storm” by Kate Chopin
English 2 The Storm Response Journal Kate Chopin’s â€Å"the Storm†, is a dark story about a quick love affair between former friends while caught up in a storm, while their significant others were stranded elsewhere. The story explores Calixta's dueling relationship with her husband and her lover, Alcee. Chopin uses the storm as a metaphor to portray Calixta's sexual feelings and struggles in regards to her affair. The ongoing mention of the color white symbolizes Calixta’s internal struggle with her affair with Alcee.The white bed, couch, blouse, and skin and breasts of Calixta all have this seeming innocence about them; but then her passion is described as a white flame, which contradicts the previously established notion that white is pure. Her passion is clearly not innocent, therefore taking the color white and mixing it with the opposing image of fire. The affair between Calixta and Alcee truly begins after lightening destroys the chinaberry tree outside h er house.Chinaberries were, at this time, used as the beads on rosaries, so the destruction of the tree symbolizes the complete transition from her pure Catholic upbringing to her present state of adultery. As the storm clears, so does their conscience and they both happily continue on with their lives, with their own respective families. During the storm, Calixta’s husband, Bobinot, and son were stranded in a local store, where Bobinot bought Calixta a shrimp snack, which is one of her favorites.This hints at the concrete relationship between Calixta and Bobinot, as opposed to the fleeting moment between Calixta and Alcee. This can also show Bobinots commitment to the marriage, as opposed to Calixta’s ephemeral affair with Alcee. Alcee write a letter to his wife telling her she does not need to come home from where she is, and to take her time, while Bobinot is always thinking of his wife, evident by the purchase of her favorite snack. Chopin ends the story with the l ine â€Å"So the storm passed and everyone was happy†, which is a trite way to send such a serious and passionate story.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
My favourite book Essay
Nowadays a lot of people think that the more people have TV or Internet in their homes, the fewer people will buy books. It’s often thought why to read long novels, when a play on TV can tell you the same story with colours, pictures and actions. But I’m certain, that books are still popular, becouse it’s a cheaper way, than to go to the cinema and also you can keep a book forever and read it many time. My favourite book is written by Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970), German-American novelist, born in Osnabruck, Germany, and educated at the University of Munster. He served in the German army during World War I. During the war he wrote his first novel †All Quite on the Western Front†, it became an internalional bestseller. I’ve read a lot of novels by Remarque, but most of all I like â€Å"A time to live and a time to die†published in 1954. This novel is about Soldier Ernst Greaber, who is doing military service at the Russian front . One day he gets a short holiday homeward. Once arrived in his native town he learns about the despairs and dissapointment the war has spread over the country. The town is bombed down, parents, friends and relatives are vanished. On the desperate search for his missing parents he meets a former companion of his youth Elisabeth. They marry , but unfortunately Ernst must leave his native town and departure back to the front. Just arriving in Russia Ernst is involved into the midst of a conflict. When he gets a lift and has an opportunity to leave the war, he refuses†¦,becouse the his troops are losing. At this point Ernst perish. The main character Ernst Greaber is a sensitive, just and loyal person. From his point of view this degrading situation in his native town is much harder to him than the fight taking place at the far away Russian front. Graeber partly sees himself responsible for the †horror†, but cannot find a way out of this devastating outcome of the war. Elizabeth is a pretty young woman, but inhibited by fear and worry of war. From my point of view I believe that Remarque showed the serious conflict between extreme idealism and humanity clearly and with a sensible feeling. He described the heroical fighter as a person with feelings. On the other hand, he described the victims of the war, Germans the same as Bolschewists precisely and showed the controversies in the arguments of the National Socialism. To my mind, I think this book is one of the greatest pieces of war literature because it sdoesn’t give just an objective scenery is given but also questions are delivered which encourage to give some thought.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Concept of Genetic Privacy Essays
The Concept of Genetic Privacy Essays The Concept of Genetic Privacy Paper The Concept of Genetic Privacy Paper Genetic information is unique. It tells not only about an individual, but also about an individuals family. Unlike medical information, genetic information does not change over time. Genetic information is more than health information; it also reveals our heritage and connections to relatives and communities. Where does genetic information belong in our scale of respect for and protection of personal privacy? What level of privacy restrictions, if any, should be put on genetic information? Some genetic information, such as the color of our hair and skin, is obvious and cannot be kept secret. But what about that genetic information which is less apparent to others, such as our risk for developing a health disorder late in life? Who should be able to have access to this information? Privacy rules set limits on who can access genetic information, and how they may do so. The concept of genetic privacy is split into three primary elements: genetic information as private, confidentiality of genetic information, and the possible use of genetic information to discriminate against individuals or groups. The reason why I am dividing genetic privacy into these three elements is because they are the key essentials that can be debated for or against privacy. In this paper, I will discuss the debates for and against genetic privacy. I will present my position on these debates providing my argument against genetic privacy, respond with how someone may reply to the position advocated, and finally conclude with my belief that setting restrictions on genetic privacy is very difficult and impossible with the issue of discrimination while still taking into consideration of the other side of the argument. Genetic information being kept private can be seen as possible or impossible. Without federal laws to protect the privacy of patients and the confidentiality of medical records, efforts to reform the nations health care system will not be completely successful. Laws will protect an individual’s private information and if they did not exist, rights may be violated. How would that benefit the society? Information about genes will most likely be kept in a medical or medical research location. â€Å"In a typical hospital, at least eighty people have access to medical records†(Lebacqz 243). Therefore, if genetic information is included in a person’s medical record, it would mean that a wide range of people would have access to this private information. Privacy of genetic information or of medical records may not be as possible without legal protections. There are very few federal legal protections and unreliable state protections for medical records to protect privacy. Federal restrictions should be placed on the access to all medical records prior to the further improvement of genetic science. By making laws that will define the responsibilities (ethical and legal) of those with justifiable authorization to access personal medical information, privacy will be maintained. Medical and genetic information posses a greater possibility of being kept private because of the already existing promise made by health care providers to ensure doctor/patient confidentiality. If legal protections are made, the privacy of genetic information would be more possible, but could confidentiality exist? Confidentiality is a major debate in genetic privacy. If people are going to adventure through genetic screening, insurance will become a big issue in keeping the genetic information private. Should genetic information be kept confidential and not be shown to insurance companies? If insurance companies are allowed access to this information, many people may not be able to afford it. â€Å"Genetic test results may be used by commercial insurers for the purpose of risk classification and the calibrating of premiums to risk status, especially in connection with the issuance of individual health insurance policies,†(Peters 214). By using this quote, I am backing up my point that people with genetic diseases will automatically be put into risk classification and agents will change them to high-risk which will be unfair to the individuals. As premiums rise to cover the unhealthy clients, fewer and fewer people will be able to afford insurance. These genetic tests may lead to an increase in the number of individuals on high-risk insurance and also contributing to the increase in people who lack insurance. By restricting health insurance and holding genetic information extremely confidential during the growth of genetic research, people will be able to obtain adequate health insurance and will not be deprived of their rights to privacy without regards to their genetic background. Genetic research is expanding in great ways in hopes to perfect society. While these breakthroughs hold great promise for improving medical treatments, they also present the issue of discrimination. Every human being is more than likely carrying at least one flawed gene. So consequently, every man, woman, and child in the world is a potential victim of discrimination. It is unfair to discriminate against someone because of genetic characteristics that do or do not limit his or her abilities. An example based on genetic information would be as follows: if an employer was able to find out anyone’s genetic background, and then avoid hiring workers they believe are likely to take sick leave, resign, or retire early for health reasons. The big issue with this is that the employers are just hypothesizing without giving the benefit of the doubt. Employers should be prohibited from requesting or requiring genetic information. An employee may have the background of a genetic disease and be discriminated against it when they may not even carry the disease. Would that be fair? If employers gain access to this information, many qualified individuals will be left without jobs, which may even turn around and hurt the employer more. By limiting an employer’s ability to see individual employee medical records, discrimination can be lessened, however, not completely avoided. In response to these different viewpoints, my position is fairly easy to understand. Using all of the information that I have read and researched about, I do not think that it is fully possible to restrict all genetic information from being freely available. Genetic information is a difficult aspect to maintain completely private. Medical records are a good example to use as a foundation of my argument. Health insurance companies obtain permission to see medical records. If genetic information is placed on these records, people will have a difficult time getting decent premiums if they have a background of genetic problems in their family. People who have a low income will have a less advantage of getting the best insurance. That is where discrimination evolves into a large predicament. Discrimination will always be a problem. Some restrictions may be made to protect genetic privacy, but not all-genetic information will be kept completely private. Take employment as an example. A person shouldn’t be forced to give permission for employers to see their genetic information. Business and profit rights should not proceed human rights. Every person should have the right to get a good job, regardless of his or her genetic makeup. The choice of publicly displaying a person’s genetic information should be decided by the individual. It should not be used for reason of hiring or raise. If the person is qualified for the job, then he or she should have the right to the job without the issue of discrimination. Privacy and confidentiality may hold a point, but it does not protect people against discrimination. Not all information can be kept private because science will not be able to advance. If scientists and doctors do not share their information, science will not progress. Every new discovery is shared with others and that is how it becomes known and critiqued. Without the advancement of science, we would not be where we are today with genetics. If a person has Huntington’s disease in their genetic background, scientists will research and use that to help them move forward to find a way to help that person and the people of further generations. If there are laws designed to protect genetic test results in an effort to prevent genetic discrimination, it may make it more difficult to gather the sort of data that will help researchers solve genetic problems. Privacy may possibly postpone or stop the advancement of genetics. Someone may respond to my position advocated by saying human rights are very important when it comes to genetics. By making genetic information private, it will be kept from getting into the wrong hands and will not be used to discriminate. Genetic information can be used to discover personal traits of an individuals life. That information can be used to invade a persons private life, to alter a persons sense of self, and family identity. Genomic information can also affect families and ethnic groups that share genetic similarities. If people are truly seeking protection from discrimination by using the principles of confidentiality and privacy, then genetic information can be controlled. The rights of the individual for employment, insurance, and medical care can then be protected. Genetic privacy is a very difficult discussion because of its uniqueness. I have stated my response to genetic privacy, and through all of the research I have done, I still stand on the point that discrimination will always be a problem and human rights will always be violated due to our conventionally corrupt society. Through time, laws and regulations will be revised to protect the human rights, but as genetic privacy grows, privacy will become more and more difficult to be instilled in the health care profession.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Reaction Paper On A Country Doctor English Literature Essay
A Reaction Paper On A Country Doctor English Literature Essay Franz Kafka’s A country doctor is a story about a doctor who is called upon in the middle of the night to attend to a seriously ill young man .Hampered by lack of transport means and extreme weather conditions, the doctor is at pains to come up with solutions to his problems. This essay paper will attempt to systematically examine the challenges and frustrations that the doctor encounters as the story unfolds. This essay will also answer the questions as to why the story may be referred to as a nightmare as well as explore the major themes brought out in this artistic tale that is indeed a replica of Franz Kafka’s generation and the current modern society. Challenges and Frustrations The doctor is in a dilemma He is challenged by the fact that he has no means of transport to take him to the home of the gravely ill young man, ten miles away. The doctor’s horse had died due to the icy winter. â€Å"My own horse had died the previous night as a result of overexert ion in this icy winter.†The doctor is frustrated at this point because no one in  the village was willing to assist him. â€Å"My servant girl was at that very moment running around the village to see if she could borrow a horse but it was hopeless-I knew that.†Out of frustration the doctor risks hurting himself by kicking the pigsty’s door. â€Å"I kicked my foot against the cracked door of the pigsty which had not been used for years.†The severe weather conditions pose a challenge to the doctor too. He has to endure the chilly snowstorm to go and attend to a patient. The doctor says, â€Å"A severe snowstorm filled the space between him and me.†The doctor does not hide his dilemma when he says, †I stood there useless ,increasingly covered by snow , becoming all the time immobile.†After treating the sick young man the doctor attempts to make his way home but the once strong and fat horses are old and tired, they move at a s low rate at which the doctor feels he will never reach home. Consider, â€Å"We dragged slowly through the snowy desert like old men.†The doctor is evidently frustrated when he says, â€Å"I’ll never come home at this rate. He becomes sad when he thinks of his home which was occupied by the Groom. â€Å"In my house the disgusting groom is wreaking havoc, Rosa is his victim.†The third challenge that the doctor encounters is the Groom. The doctor does not know how to deal with this stranger. First, when the groom brutally bites Rosa on her cheeks, the doctor only threatens the groom with words and calms down at once because he wanted to borrow a horse from the groom. At that moment, the doctor is almost the groom’s slave. The groom eventually offers his horses to the doctor but decides to stay with Rosa instead of traveling with the doctor. The doctor is therefore at crossroads. He does not know whether he should stay and protect Rosa from the brutal groom or go ahead and attend to the seriously ill Youngman. The doctor chose the later. However, as the story unfolds the frustrations of the doctor concerning this decision become apparent. Consider, â€Å"I had to sacrifice Rosa as well, this beautiful girl, who lives in my house all year long and whom I scarcely notice-this sacrifice is too great.â€
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Fundamentals of Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fundamentals of Managing People - Essay Example Wages, Training, safety, diversity, work-life balance as well as health and wellness are some of the core employee priorities. When these are fulfilled, quality output is guaranteed. Additionally, when this delicate balance is attained, employees are able to foster team spirit among themselves as well as loyalty to their employees. Employers on the other hand will experience lower employee turnover rates which eventually lead to reduced profits (Hall, 2003:46). Work life balance is an essential part of the puzzle because every employee has a family and friends outside the employment scope. Many an employee has left their jobs because it does not adequately cater for this particular need. Changed Employee Priorities A decade or so ago, the highest priority for most employees was developing their careers. Today, the tips of the scale have changed. Most employees are more interested in having both a family and a good career and most would leave a job owing to reasons related to work lif e balance (Palundi, 2012:77). It is essential for one to pursue achievement and joy in not only the job but also in one’s personal sphere. Enjoyment in this case means pride, celebration, happiness, a general sense of well being and satisfaction in the job that they do. This has in turn led various companies in the globe to offer competitive packages that offer flexible practices concerning work-life practices. Paid work and family care are the most essential elements of work family balance. However, work-life also includes education, volunteering and recreation. Work-life allows employees to share their time with both the job and their family and still produce quality results. Employers need to understand that work-life balance is important to the employee. However, the employee also has a role to play in ensuring that his needs are met so that his productivity is optimal. It is the employee’s chief responsibility to ensure that he congratulates himself on work well d one and keeps motivating himself (Hall, 2003:79). In addition, it is up to him to give himself a break when he deserves one. He also needs to set boundaries between his professional and personal lives. The management and the employees have to agree on a program that will enhance a positive balance of the two. In a recent study, it was estimated that in every five employees, two are not satisfied with the balance between their private lives and the professional ones. Long working hours, long commutes, increased pressure at work, changing demographics and the deterioration of boundaries between work and life are some of the contributing factors to the dissatisfaction. Employers who ignore this vital element in their employees’ lives will experience high turnover rates, unhappy employees as well as low morale. All employees need to realize that their employees are more interested in assistance programs to better their loves holistically more that monetary compensation (Marchingt on and Wilkinson, 2005:135) It goes without saying there it is not possibly to achieve a perfect balance between work and life. Once cannot be able to schedule equal number of hours to all the many aspects of work and life (Beauregard, 2009:83). Trying to do this will frustrate the employee since it will end up being both unrealistic as well as unrewarding. Additionally, it is worth noting that the balance will keep varying as time progresses, even as little as on an everyday basis. For example, the balance that used
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Organization Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organization Project - Assignment Example BP Oil is among the top six major oil and gas corporations in the world. They are currently involved in massive explorations in different parts of the world. The company is a British multinational corporation with headquarters in London. The analysis of the history of BP Plc. reveals that the company’s management strategy has not changed much over the years. The origin of BP is traced to 1908 when a group of British geologists discovered oil in Iran. The company has a reputation for partaking in highly risky ventures. It was officially called the British Petroleum in 1954 (BP, n.d.). The willingness to take on risky ventures has yielded both positive and negative returns. The positive return is the increase in revenue earned while the negative effects are the public relation problems caused by many oils spills. The company management was based on the establishment of structures that divided the company into top, mid-level and lower level management. BP has always used the system management style, which ensures a proper division of the business to facilitate the flow of orders and functions. The orders came from top management to the middle level and lower level expected to implement them. Top management formulates strategies and the overall goals. The middle-level management can plan and control resources to ensure the overall strategic goals are met. The lower level management are involved in implementing the plans that have been made by middle-level management. Currently, BP Systems management style has been enhanced by the addition of sustainable management. The 2010 Oil Spill played a significant role in pushing BP to adopt sustainable management, which aims at protecting the environment. Sustainable management is meant to ensure BP prevents further environmental damage. It also improves the public image of the company. The company’s current strategy is guided by clear priorities, quality portfolio, and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Context and Discourse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Context and Discourse - Essay Example Such technicians proceed to use this information to create context-aware software. Close attention to these several definitions and explanations might, however, reveal a common ground upon which a universal concept of context might be built. Though context is often used and understood, it is such a broad and encompassing term that it can hardly be properly defined in a sentence or two. Though it deals with the surrounding condition of a situation, those conditions can take the form of several things, and perhaps that is why context shows up in so many disciplines. And, as it regards discourse analysis, it will be seen that reliance upon context is indispensable in gaining a complete and comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of any text, passage, speech, or other of the forms in which discourse presents itself. In education, especially reading, context is tangled up with prior knowledge and schema, and the study of it is in an effort to determine its use in the decoding of passages. Here, context is placed in relation to the written word, and it is defined by one as "the belief-revised integration of the reader's prior knowledge with the reader's internalized (co-)text" (Rappaport, 4). Here co-text refers to written text that surrounds the problematic word or phrase whose meaning the reader currently struggles to decode. In this discipline, experts often refer to "context clues," which direct the student to the passage being read, delineating it as the context. One researcher cites six kinds of context clues in what is known as contextual analysis. Students are expected to gain insight into the text using hints provided by the context, and those hints come in the form of definition clues, synonym or comparison clues, contrast clues, example clues, and explanation clues. In addition to thes e clues from the text, context (as mentioned before) is extended to include inferential clues, which come not from the text being read but from the prior experiences of the reader (Doyle). So that context according to this view has both an internal and external aspect. However, once the text becomes internalized, context may be considered to be in the domain of the mind. In engineering, some consider context a "filter" that determines the meaning to be applied to certain terms or actions in a given situation. In fact, according to Yaser Bishr who seeks to prepare a foundation on which to base a contextual theory of geospatial applications, any definition of context must include such measures as follow. Contexts should define what is common to any input in a given situation. It should be restrictive, in that it allows only certain meanings of any vocabulary involved to actually be admitted as meaning to be derived from the situation. The truth of any statement of fact should depend upon "a collection of assumption which implicitly define context" (Bishr, 2), and all "facts" are understood to be factual only when a context is defined. Therefore, though the statement "all birds can fly" is untrue in Antarctica, it is true in the context of Brazil, where no penguins exist. This view of context also asserts that thought and interpretation across contexts is allowable; however, "when several contexts occur in a discussion, there
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Environmental And Social Impacts Of Deforestation Environmental Sciences Essay
Environmental And Social Impacts Of Deforestation Environmental Sciences Essay Pakistan is blessed by many things; forests are one of them, which cover 4.224 million Hectare (ha) which is 4.8% of the total land area (Wildlife of Pakistan). Out of these 4604 ha area is covered by forests in Khyber-pakhun-khwa (KPK) and Northern areas. Â Between 1981 and 1990, there had been a 4.3% decrease in forest areas of the Tropical Asia and Oceania, which Pakistan is a part of. During 21st century, 1.6% deforestation had been occurring each year. This is an alarming situation and needs to be stalled and then reversed, if possible (Wildlife Pakistan). Deforestation is a great threat against ecosystem and deteriorating the relationship between human and ecosystem. It is a main reason of Global Warming. The conventional view of deforestation is that rural people overexploits forests for local consumptive use and also the timber and woods traders using all possible ways to smuggle woods. The demand of people of consumption of wood is increasing, according to bureau of statistics; the consumption of wood in 1993 was 29.5 million cubic meters where as in the year 2010 it was around 50 million cubic meters. Pakistan, at present, is producing only 14 million cubic meters of wood. Over 80 percent of the population in KPK is below the poverty level, which consumes available natural resources for their survival, which results to deforestation. Deforestation contributes in the lacking of Biodiversity by affecting the Wild Life in forests. It is the main source of causing climate change, which results to Global warming, which is the major problem of the world, it is the reason of the dramatic change in temperature, from which Pakistan is suffering. No recycling of water, less carbondioxcide and nitrogen exchange, more decertification, soil erosion, decrease in rainfall rate indicates the alarming rate of deforestation. The area where this research has been conducted is Basho valley which is located in Batistan region in the northern areas of Pakistan. The valley ascends from the southern side of the Indus river with the altitude of 2060 approximately above the level of the sea towards Banak La mountain at 5500m. The findings show that the forest has been decreased 50% in Basho valley and the rate decreased after establishment of the valley in 1968. 1950 people of the population of the valley which depends on the forest for energy necessities, cooking purposes, and heating. The theory of huge deforestation due to fast population growth and local use; the study did not support this theory. The study indicates that the improved convenience combined with mismanagement of the forest department which is main factor in deforestation in Basho valley. The forest department is very much involved in deforestation as they support all the illegal commercial harvesting on a large scale. Damage to the forest in the valley has done due to the authorities of the superiors in forest department. A lot of woods which is fallen or green from the valley forest has been taken by the outsiders or the contractors using some informal permits which is called chits and the officers of the government department has given incentives from this systems by receiving payments. As by local elders the contractors took wood around ten times more than the quota which was allocated to them officially for the construction of government buildings. The contractors then sell out the woods in Skardu market to earn or they build their own shops and houses. The result of the corrupt performance or activities done by the government faculty or the increased access to a forest in the last thirty years; the forest has been reduced significantly. The methodology which is used in the study is that the qualitative data which has been selected for the study by the author in 8 years. During this period of time he meet with the officers of forest department, he also get interacted with the forest contractors and few people of the valley which includes men and women. Interviews has been conducted which was both individual and group in the three different workshops which was conducted by Agha Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) and the Norwegian University of Life Science. At least ten people attended the workshop who was representative of the different villages near Basho valley. Some meetings were also arranged in each village. Almost 95 people attended all the workshops in which 65 were women and 30 were men. The interview has also taken by the officers of the Basho development organization. As like this several interviews were conducted there in valley from local jeep owners who transport woods to the people, from the local volunteers and 16 stakeholders in which two were women and 14 were men. Survey was also conducted in different villages with different group discussions and some key respondent interviews and this period was of six months. These fieldworks were also consisted of survey of price, natural resource and village profiles. For the improving of historic information about Basho valleys forest; two pictures were taken, the first one is Landsat Multispectral scanner (MSS) image which was of 20 July 1976 and Landsat-7(ETM+) image which was of 16 august 2002. Rafi khan S., and S. Rafi khan (2009) Assessing poverty:deforestation links: Evidence from Swat, Pakistan Ecological Economics 68 (2009) 2607-2618 Keywords: Ecological degradation Deforestation Poverty Local institutions Resource management The literature analyzes the linkage between poverty and deforestation in Swat valley, KPK. As the poor community has no approach to energy resources like Oil and Gas, so they depend upon wood and timber more than other classes of the country, which results to deforestation. But the hypothesis of the researchers stood wrongs and they debated further that poverty has no link with deforestation. This study has highlighted the historical, empirical and institutional aspects of deforestation. Historically, the research took out the history of 16th century, where forests were protected by the institution and departments assigned for forests by the Walis (Kings) of Swat Valley. When in 20thcentury, Swat was merged into Pakistan in 1969; forests were ignored due to poor managerial and the policies of Pakistan. By reason of rapid rise in Timber prices, the forest departments, for more incentives, collude with Forest Mafias than to protect forests. The corrupt department and the lack of communication between revenue department and forestry also helped in speeding up the exploitation of forests. Locals of Swat valley depend on the forests for daily life use and are also a main source of income for them. Such dependency and also historical and institutional evolution clearly describe the rights of locals on these resources. It is required for Pakistan to look after the managerial skills of forestry department and prevent them for colluding with Forest Mafias. Only such policies can avoid the exploitation of these resources. The sample were selected in the study and that was of 12 villages of Swat; in which five villages from low eco zone, four from mid zone and three from high zone. Information of household was collected by 403 households. For the qualitative analysis 200 households were selected for information from six additional villages from high zone. For the analysis of resource dependence, information was collected on resource income (RI) as the dependent variable and the independent variables included income from other sources or non-resource income (NRI) and livestock numbers (LS), given their potential impact on resource degradation. The total aggregate income was derived from: natural resources (fuel wood collection, timber, fodder, no timber forest products, fish, and forest royalties); agriculture (crops and orchards as an annual figure including both kharif(summer) and rabi (winter) seasoncrops); livestock; employment; donations/transfers; forest royalties; and rental income. Ali T., M. Ahmad, Babar and Abid (2007) Impact of participatory forest management on financial assets of rural communities in Northwest Pakistan Ecological economics 63 (2007) 588-593 Keywords: Northwest Pakistan Participatory forestry Financial assets Livelihood strategies Research paper indicates the relationship between forest management and the livelihood of locals of KPK. It is shown in the paper that the cash needs of local communities is not dependent on natural resources like forests but rather non-cash needs are dependent on forest like use of wood in day to day needs such as cooking, constructions etc. Interviews with different people of local community show how forest management is difficult for locals. They say, people living on mountains are completely dependent on forest for survival as they have no other ways available, unlike people living on lowland like Punjab. It is further argued, that locals cannot be motivated for forest management before giving them economical benefits. These are the reasons which are involved in deforestation in KPK. To avoid deforestation in KPK, government must give priority to the needs of locals which are dependent on forest such availability of resources like Oil and Gas, economical benefits etc. Locals must be employed on the conservation of forest and incentives should be given to them. Government should focus on people at macro level and should work on microcredit and infrastructure development before the implementation of macro projects. The study shows that two main districts were selected of NWFP (KPK) which was Mansehra and Swat because these two districts were having maximum forest cover. In these two districts there were two types of villages, project villages and non project villages. Eight villages were selected randomly which consist of four from each districts in which two were project villages and two were non project villages. For quantitative data survey were conducted with a questionnaire. 400 households were selected in both districts. 200 were from each district in which 100 from project villages and 100 from non project villages. Tahir S.N.A. , M.Rafique, A.S. Alaamer. (2010) Biomass fuel burning and its implications: Deforestation and greenhouse gases emissions in Pakistan Environmental Pollution 158 (2010) 2490- 2495 Keywords: Deforestation Biomass burning Brick kilns Green house gas emission The article indicates the impact of biomass fuel burning due to deforestation and greenhouse gasses emission. Pakistan has an average population of 170 million and average growth in population is 2.4%. Whereas 54% of energy requirement is met from conventional means and the remaining 46% from natural resources like wood and coal. Forests in Pakistan cover a total area of 2.4%, and deforestation rate in Pakistan 1.68%. Gasses emission from human body and brick making in big cities s higher that fresh environment due to forests. This results to polluting of environment. As Pakistan imports coal from foreign countries, therefore, it is expensive for brick maker to use coal, so they prefer to use wood which is comparatively cheaper, which results to deforestation. The study has found out the consumption of wood by brick builder due to deforestation is estimated to be 1378,000 m3. Global warming is assessed to be increasing rapidly due to high rate of greenhouse gasses emission. Researcher has found out these results for helping others for study in same field. For the collection of data 180 brick kilns of 18 provincial divisions in all of four provinces of Pakistan were selected. In each division 10 brick units were randomly selected and surveyed and this was questionnaire based. The emission of total carbon is estimated by applying the basic methodology. This was done by multiplying the quantity of biomass burnt (t dm) by the fraction of biomass oxidized and the biomass carbon content (t C/t dm) (IPCC,1994). The default value of 0.9 is used for the fraction of biomass oxidized. Whereas, for woody biomass, a conversion factor of 0.5 t C/tdmis used. (Ct = Mt *Mf) Where in Equation (1), Ct, Mt and Mf represent total biomass burnt(tdm),fraction of biomass oxidized(0.9)and woody biomass carbon content(0.5tC/tdm) respectively.TheemissionofCO2 from fuel wood burning can be estimated by conversion of total carbon content(tC) to Carbon dioxide content (tCO2) using the conversion ratio of 44 t CO2/12 t C (Ct = Mt _*Mf) Qasim M. , K. Hubacek, M, Termansen, A. Khan (2011) Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use pattern in District Swat, Hindu Kush Himalayan region of Pakistan Applied Geography 31 (2011) 820-828 Keywords: Spatial analysis Land use change Land degradation Remote sensing GIS Deforestation Swat Pakistan According to Pakistani officials the forest are increasing due to deforestation and environmental awareness. In a contrast with Pakistani officials, international researches and statistics shows a rapid rate of increasing in deforestation have is 1.68% annually. This study is about the difference between Pakistani and international statistics. In this study District Swat is taken as a subject matter which is a part of the high altitude Hindu Kush Himalaya region of Pakistan comprising a diverse set of biophysical, ecological and socio-economic characteristics. The forest land in converting into agriculture land and also uses for developmental reasons like roads, infrastructure and construction etc. which results to deforestation in the locality. In Kalam, forest area is decreased by 30.5%; with 11.4% of the deforestation caused by agricultural expansion. In Malamjaba, forests decreased by 49.7% over the last 40 years. Agricultural land expanded by 77.6%. In the Barikot region, forest cover area decreased to 9.5% in 2007, whereas the built up areas increased by 161.4%, and agricultural land expanded by 129.9% consuming 18.96% of forest area in 2007. Annual deforestation rates observed were 1.86% in scrub forest zone, 1.28% in agro-forest zone and 0.80% in pine forest zone in Swat. Growth of agriculture has largely been achieved at the cost of forests. It is concluded that the claim of Pakistani officials of increasing in forest is wrong but rather decreasing rapidly which is alarming. The area where this research has done is district Swat. It is a valley located in a north west of Pakistan consists of many forests. The study was conducted in a form of area divided into three zones i-e zone (A), zone (B) and zone (C). The data selected through maps of different zones and its start from baseline of October 1968 then the Swat state was merged with Pakistan. The next data were selected in 1990 with 2 decades gap in which few important changes took place. The last data was taken out in 2007 which was last available data. The other method used is remote sensing techniques using aerial photograph and satellite images. It provides the areas in the three vegetation zone.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Essay
Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Prior to Spanish discovery of the new world, the area now known as Bolivia was home to three major ethnic and linguistic groups; the Uru, Aymara, and Quechua. The Uru lived on rafts, fishing and foraging along the shore of Lake Titicaca. The Aymara dominated the Uru, reducing their status to poor fishermen and landless workers. Aymara society was built upon a basic social unit of kinship that organized the distribution of labor, and this system, termed â€Å"ayllu,†was later adopted by conquering Quechua. The Aymara are known for their practice of ‘freeze drying’ potatoes high in the mountains, for their organized systems of irrigation, and their control of colonies in warm lowlands to produce food. By the early 15th century the Quechua dominated the northern highlands of the Andes, and by the later half of the century had adopted the name of their supreme ruler, the Inca. The Inca led a series of invasions into weakening Aymara kingdoms in the south Andean regio n. The Inca quickly became a successful empire, a relative ethnic minority which controlled a diverse region of peoples. Conquered groups were allowed to maintain local chiefs, cultures, religion and language, bound together only through payments and work for the Inca. The mita (forced labor) system facilitated the lives of common laborers and recruited soldiers while vast tracts of roadways allowed for trade between the high and lowlands. The Inca accumulated great wealth, thus significant artistic and architectural achievements were made with textiles, metal working, and the practice of fitting stones together for building without the use of mortar. Many of these walls survive today. Although the Aymara attem... ...t the year in search of temporary job opportunities. One might argue that indigenous groups continue to seek independence in the twenty-first century against a backdrop of capitalistic globalization, a lucrative drug trade, and struggles between conservative, liberal, and militant leaders. Works Cited Minahan, James. Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: Volume III. Westport Connectcut: Greenwood Press, 2002. S. Olson, James. The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Westport Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1991. Regional Surveys of the World: South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Ed. Jacqueline West. 10th ed. Europa Publications: Taylor and Francis Group, 2002 Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture: Volume I. Simon and Schuster, 1996. http://www.countryreports.org/history/bolihist.htm
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Nuclear Power Plants
Sierra Armstrong Vassar High School 5th , English 10 March 21, 2013 Nuclear Power Plants Begin your introduction here†¦ (Don’t forget to underline your thesis statement). Be sure to use the TAB key to start each paragraph and to follow all MLA formats. Background of the Problem People need power, and nuclear power provides it. Nuclear power is another way to produce energy, but it is also a very dangerous way to produce energy.Edward Teller stated, â€Å"Nuclear power-producing units will be dangerous instruments and careful thought will have to be given to their safe construction and operation†(qtd in Kanninen Ed 17). Another scientist Dr. Helen Caldicott stated, â€Å"The nuclear industry is a cancer industry†(qtd in Povey 80). This means that it isn’t a safe way to produce energy and can cause cancer. The radiation is very dangerous. The radiation is a big fault or issue with nuclear energy. â€Å"Atomic energy cannot be produced without also pr oducing a radioactive by-product†(Kanninen 16).Nuclear power is not safe to those who live or associate around it. â€Å"Critics of nuclear power worry about the safety of nuclear plants, the potential damage from radiation exposure, the possibility of sabotage and unauthorized use of the by-product plutoniumâ€â€the substance used to make nuclear bombs†(â€Å"Nuclear Power†). There have been a couple incidents concerning nuclear power plants, such as Chernobyl and Three-Mile Island. â€Å"The Chernobyl explosion was devastating to the nuclear power industry throughout the world†(â€Å"Nuclear Power†). The primarily cause was human error: technicians conducted an unauthorized experiment on the reactor without understanding how the reactor would behave during the experiment†(â€Å"Nuclear Energy†). The Extent of the Problem The problem at hand is that nuclear power plants Works Cited Type your bibliography on the last page†¦ Be sure to ALPHABETIZE your sources and to indent after the first line of text for each entry. Povey, Karen. Energy Alternatives. Farmington Hills, MI: The Thomas Corporation, 2007. Print. â€Å"Nuclear Energy. †Compton’s by Britannica. 01 Aug 2011: SIRS Discoverer. Web. 25 Feb. 2013 .
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